+32 2 318 14 84 info@colinguaRSI.com


Your online interpreting agency

General terms and conditions of sale for our online interpreting services

Welcome to ColinguaRSI

Please find below our generic sales conditions.

ColinguaRSI general terms and conditions of sale (GTC)

Les parties

Contracts are always concluded between the Interpreter (IBS srl – ColinguaRSI) and the person or entity bearing financial responsibility for the event and referred to in the Contract as the “Organizer”, as opposed to any other person who may be responsible for acting as an intermediary, hiring personnel or making technical arrangements in connection with the event. The Interpreter’s terms and conditions take precedence over those of the client. The latter waives the right to apply its own conditions, unless expressly agreed otherwise. These terms and conditions are governed by Belgian law, to the exclusion of all others. These general terms and conditions and the quotation of which they form a part shall become binding upon written confirmation of the order by the customer. A simple confirmation of the order by e-mail has the value of an order. The Interpreter will acknowledge receipt of the confirmation (by e-mail) and confirm that he is able to provide the services.


ColinguaRSI conference interpreters refrain from taking personal advantage of information arising during their work at non-public events and will maintain the confidentiality of discussions and documents used on this occasion. The Interpreter is however authorized to mention, in his commercial communication, notably on his website and social networks, that he works for the end customer without revealing sensitive content.

Paries' liability

Order cancellation conditions are specified in the quotation and accepted by the customer. In the absence of a specific cancellation clause in the quotation, the penalty for cancellation of the order will be 50% if the cancellation occurs within 30 calendar days prior to the event, 90% if the cancellation occurs within 15 calendar days prior to the event, and 100% if the cancellation occurs on the day of the event. If, for any reason whatsoever, the Organizer should not use the Interpreter’s services on the days and under the conditions mentioned in the contract/quotation, the Interpreter shall be entitled to the amount provided for in the cancellation clause of the contract/quotation and to reimbursement of any other expenses incurred (transport costs or other) in preparing for the provision of services, from which any sum previously received shall be deducted.

If the contract cannot be fulfilled in whole or in part due to extraordinary circumstances (non-exhaustive list: strike, demonstration, late arrival of plane, train, political instability, military action, exceptional traffic conditions, terrorist threat, bad weather conditions), failure of communications, Internet or electricity networksIf the Interpreter is unable to fulfill his part of the contract, he must inform the Organizer as soon as possible. If the Interpreter is unable to fulfill his part of the contract, he must inform the Organizer as soon as possible.

The Organizer shall ensure that, at least one week before the event, the Interpreter receives sufficient documents to be able to prepare the said event, as well as a complete agenda, the names of the participants, the speeches if these are already in the Organizer’s possession, and any information that may be useful to the Interpreter. (6) The organizer must inform the Interpreter of any changes to the agenda so that the Interpreter can confirm the feasibility of any changes to the team of interpreters (availability, languages, etc.) and plan for any additional costs.


Video conferencing tools

When using a videoconferencing tool (this term also referring to any remote simultaneous interpreting platform in these GTS), the customer accepts that his event is dependent on the proper functioning of computer and Internet technologies, and that the Interpreter cannot be held responsible in the event of an interruption or slowdown in Internet service, a power cut or any other hazard beyond his control in his studio or at the home/office of his salaried or freelance interpreters. If the Interpreter offers or makes available a videoconferencing tool, he cannot however guarantee that the participants/organizers will be able to listen without acoustic shock. It is impossible for the Interpreter to control all the technical equipment used remotely by the participants. Furthermore, even if the Interpreter takes every possible precaution to work in as soundproof an environment as possible, he/she cannot be held responsible for external noise disturbances linked to the surrounding environment (work on the public highway, vehicle noise, etc.).

In addition, the videoconferencing tool proposed by the Interpreter belongs to a third party. The Interpreter cannot be held responsible for any loss of data resulting from any breach or failure of the system. from this tool. As videoconferencing tools belong to third parties, the customer undertakes to consult the websites of the aforementioned tools to find out about the conditions of use of the online tools used during the event.

The Organizer will ensure that any person who has to speak at the event with ISD does so into a professional microphone and uses a headset to avoid feedback and provide sufficient sound quality for interpretation. The customer accepts that speaking into a computer’s built-in microphone or a multidirectional “octopus” type microphone (even if the latter is described as a “videoconferencing microphone”) is not sufficient to enable the Interpreter to carry out quality work.


The Interpreter’s fees will be paid by bank transfer within 30 calendar days of the invoice date or on the due date indicated on the invoice. All invoices may be subject to a 15% late payment penalty, ipso jure and without prior notice. This surcharge remains applicable in the event of a delay being granted. In the event of non-payment of the Interpreter’s invoice or expense claim, the place of jurisdiction shall be the Interpreter’s domicile.


Speakers are asked not to read their presentations. If this proves impossible, the Organizer will inform them that the reading speed may NOT exceed 100 words per minute (approx. 3 minutes for a double-spaced A4 page). The Interpreter must receive all texts to be read at the event no later than 24 hours before the event.

About interpretation services

The duration of a working day is defined in the quotation. The customer accepts payment of overtime (at the hourly rate specified in the estimate) in the event of schedule overruns. Unless otherwise specified in the quote, the hourly rate is €75 excl. VAT per interpreter and technician or moderator (where applicable).

Only interpreters can use the channels reserved for interpreting.

The interpreters will only “translate” oral speeches. Any interpretation during social events (breaks, meals, etc.) is subject to prior agreement and is mentioned in the contract.

Registration and subsequent use

Interpretation is carried out for direct and immediate use by participants. No recording of the performance will be made by participants in the event or by any other person without the Interpreter’s prior consent. Any use of the Interpreter’s work for purposes other than those stipulated in the contract (e.g. recording for the purposes of reporting or for broadcasting on TV, radio or the Internet) is subject to intellectual property law and requires the Interpreter’s prior consent and a pre-determined remuneration. The customer is aware that the service offered is an interpretation, not a “word-for-word translation” of speeches. If a recording is made, it cannot be used to check the quality/loyalty of the performance.

Film and video interpretation

This is only possible if the interpreter has had the opportunity to prepare adequately (by studying the script and watching the film), if the flow of people in the video is not too fast and if the sound comes directly into the interpreters’ headphones, without background music.


Any dispute arising in connection with this contract shall be settled by the courts of the Interpreter’s place of residence or that of his choice.